Sea temperature, marine weather forecast and tide timetables worldwide, for free!

Find the sea water temperature for over 5000 destinations in North America and worldwide. These water temperatures are available in real time (what is today's water temperature?) or by monthly averages (what is the sea temperature in August or in January?). You can also find, for each city, the tide schedules and sea weather for the next 7 days. This data allows you to plan your vacation at the seaside and be sure that swimming will be a pleasure!

Sea temperature, sea weather and tide schedules by country

To access the sea temperatures (current or by month), the tide schedules or the sea weather of a specific country or city, first click on the geographical zone below (or use the search engine below): about the site

Are you the type to associate holidays only with the sea and the beach? Can't you imagine any other type of holiday other than seaside? And, if possible, at the right temperature to enjoy long swims and water sports!

If you recognize yourself in this description, then you have come to the right place. is the only portal that offers you both real-time sea temperature in more than 5000 cities around the world AND average monthly sea temperature in these same cities.

This allows you to anticipate your next holidays by finding:

- The destination where the sea water will be pleasant for bathing and other water sports activities

- The right month when the sea temperature will be perfect to go to that destination you've been dreaming of!

For each country and for each city referenced on, you will find the following information:

- The current sea temperature (with real time weather forecast)

- Monthly sea temperature averages (based on the average of temperatures recorded in previous years)

- A map of all the cities in the country and the current sea temperature or the temperature of the chosen month.

- Tips on the best months to bathe and the best places to go for an ideal water temperature.

- Tide schedules for the next 7 days

- The beach weather (marine weather) completes the next few days

Have fun on our site and have a nice swim!

Sea temperature worldwide

As the climate varies with the seasons, the sea temperature in the world changes with the seasons. While swimming in the northern hemisphere during winter is uncomfortable, the temperature in the southern seas is warm enough to make you feel an incomparable sense of well-being. This means that all year round, from January to December, there will always be a place where you can discover the joy of bathing in comfortable conditions.

The sea temperature on the beaches of the Europe is the perfect illustration of a change that takes place with the seasons. Like Denmark and the North Sea coast, you will notice that the water is cool, even freezing, during the winter and many of the transition seasons. Although temperatures rise in the summer, they remain mild. On the other hand, the Mediterranean offers swimmers the opportunity to enjoy a mild and pleasantly warm sea throughout the seasons. The temperature rarely drops below 12°C in winter and can reach 25°C in summer, as is the case with the sea in Malta, Cyprus or the Greek islands.

On the northern America coasts, the temperature of the water is rather mild, especially on Canadian beaches, both on the Atlantic and Pacific sides. However, if you head south, the sea of the Caribbean is suitable for swimming almost year-round.

Most countries in Central and South America do not have to worry about sea temperature . With an average value between 25°¨C and 28°C, the sea is pleasant all year round. However, if you head south, you will notice the influence of the cold currents coming from Antarctica. The sea temperature in Chile and Argentina is cool during the southern winter which lasts from May to August.

The global sea temperature varies according to the geographical location of the country. You will notice that the sea is pleasant all year round in South Asian countries such as Indonesia or Thailand and most of the islands in the South China Sea. The islands located in the North Indian Ocean are also favored by a water temperature suitable for swimming as in the case of the Maldives. But if you are heading north on the Sea of Japan side, expect cooler water for swimming from November to April.

Most of the countries of Africa benefit from climatic conditions that favor ideal bathing, from the Maghreb countries to the countries bordering the Indian Ocean, passing through paradise islands such as the Seychelles, Reunion Island, Mauritius or Cape Verde in the Atlantic Ocean. Exceptions are made for South Africa and the southern part of Africa, which experience relatively harsh southern winters. The Namibian coasts face the influence of sea currents, coming from Antarctica, favoring the coolness of the sea temperature , all year round.

Located between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, the Red Sea is perfect for swimming all year round. This part of the Middle East makes you enjoy comfortable weather conditions. On the other hand, on the Aegean Seaside, the water temperature can be freezing in winter.

Due to their location, close to the equator, the islands of the Caribbean can give you a taste of the joys of bathing in delightfully warm sea water, all year round. Whether you choose to go to Cuba or Martinique, in January or May, the water temperature is generally above 26°C, the best thing for an unforgettable holiday at sea.

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