Sea temperature in Argentina sea temperature in real time, 7-day forecast and historical data
Do you want to go to the beach to swim in Argentina today? Check if the sea temperature is pleasant with our data, updated daily, in real time, and our weather forecast for the next few days, by city in Argentina.
Sea temperature in Argentina today
On the map below, find the water temperature measured today for different cities in Argentina.
Water temperature in Argentina by city
Below, find the current sea temperature and weather conditions in several coastal cities in Argentina.
Direct access: Pampas | Tierra del Fuego | Patagonia
Sea temperature in Buenos Aires: 74°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 70°F/79°F • Wind speed: 9.3mph • Waves: 0.3ft (1.3ft maximum) every 1.9 secondsSea temperature in Mar del Plata: 69°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 67°F/68°F • Wind speed: 10.6mph • Waves: 3.9ft (3.9ft maximum) every 6.9 secondsSea temperature in Bahía Blanca: 68°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 65°F/74°F • Wind speed: 16.2mph • Waves: 1ft (2.6ft maximum) every 1.9 secondsSea temperature in La Plata: 74°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 70°F/79°F • Wind speed: 9.3mph • Waves: 0.7ft (1.6ft maximum) every 0.1 secondsSea temperature in Magdalena: 74°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/79°F • Wind speed: 11.2mph • Waves: 0.7ft (1.6ft maximum) every 1.7 seconds
Tierra del Fuego
Sea temperature in Ushuaia: 49°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 43°F/49°F • Wind speed: 29.8mph • Waves: 1.6ft (4.6ft maximum) every 0.1 secondsSea temperature in Isla de los Estados: 43°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 47°F/52°F • Wind speed: 28mph • Waves: 7.2ft (6.6ft maximum) every 7.9 secondsSea temperature in Rio Grande: 47°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 49°F/56°F • Wind speed: 35.4mph • Waves: 4.9ft (6.9ft maximum) every 4.7 secondsSea temperature in Cabo San Pablo: 45°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 49°F/56°F • Wind speed: 36mph • Waves: 7.5ft (6.6ft maximum) every 6.9 secondsSea temperature in Paramo Chico: 47°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 49°F/56°F • Wind speed: 31.1mph • Waves: 3.9ft (5.9ft maximum) every 7.4 seconds
Sea temperature in Puerto Madryn: 63°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 61°F/70°F • Wind speed: 9.3mph • Waves: 1ft (1ft maximum) every 4.9 secondsSea temperature in Comodoro Rivadavia: 58°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 56°F/65°F • Wind speed: 3.1mph • Waves: 1.3ft (1.3ft maximum) every 7 secondsSea temperature in Puerto Deseado: 54°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 56°F/61°F • Wind speed: 6.8mph • Waves: 2.3ft (1ft maximum) every 6.3 secondsSea temperature in Puerto San Julián: 52°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 56°F/67°F • Wind speed: 12.4mph • Waves: 2.3ft (2.3ft maximum) every 6.4 secondsSea temperature in Río Gallegos: 50°F
Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 52°F/61°F • Wind speed: 31.1mph • Waves: 3ft (3.6ft maximum) every 6.7 seconds
Water temperature in Argentina by month
Below, find the average temperature variation of the sea in Argentina for the cities of: Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Ushuaia, Bahía Blanca and Isla de los Estados.
The information provided on this page regarding the sea temperature in Argentina is for informational purposes only. It is the surface temperature of the sea measured by satellite, based on data available at the time of consultation. These data may vary depending on several factors such as local weather conditions, tides, and other variables. We therefore recommend consulting additional local sources for updated information before making any decisions based on this data.