Sea temperature in Puerto Rico today
On the map below, find the water temperature measured today for different cities in Puerto Rico.
Water temperature in Puerto Rico by city
Below, find the current sea temperature and weather conditions in several coastal cities in Puerto Rico.
Sea temperature in San Juan : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/77°F • Wind speed: 12.4mph • Waves: 5.2ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in San Juan
Sea temperature in Mayagüez : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 74°F/79°F • Wind speed: 16.8mph • Waves: 3.3ft (1.6ft maximum) every 12.4 secondsToday's sea temperature in Mayagüez
Sea temperature in Arecibo : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/77°F • Wind speed: 11.8mph • Waves: 5.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in Arecibo
Sea temperature in Bayamón : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/77°F • Wind speed: 12.4mph • Waves: 5.2ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in Bayamón
Sea temperature in Culebra : 77°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 77°F/79°F • Wind speed: 19.9mph • Waves: 4.9ft (5.6ft maximum) every 12.6 secondsToday's sea temperature in Culebra
Sea temperature in Isla De Mona : 77°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/79°F • Wind speed: 19.9mph • Waves: 4.9ft (5.6ft maximum) every 13.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Isla De Mona
Sea temperature in Ponce : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/81°F • Wind speed: 14.9mph • Waves: 2ft (3.3ft maximum) every 5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Ponce
Sea temperature in Vieques : 77°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 77°F/79°F • Wind speed: 19.9mph • Waves: 3.3ft (3.9ft maximum) every 12.8 secondsToday's sea temperature in Vieques
Sea temperature in Adjuntas : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/81°F • Wind speed: 10.6mph • Waves: 1.6ft (1.6ft maximum) every 6.3 secondsToday's sea temperature in Adjuntas
Sea temperature in Aguadilla : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/79°F • Wind speed: 17.4mph • Waves: 4.9ft (3.3ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in Aguadilla
Sea temperature in Arroyo : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/79°F • Wind speed: 19.9mph • Waves: 3.3ft (3.3ft maximum) every 13 secondsToday's sea temperature in Arroyo
Sea temperature in Boqueron : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/81°F • Wind speed: 14.3mph • Waves: 2.3ft (2.3ft maximum) every 10 secondsToday's sea temperature in Boqueron
Sea temperature in Cayey : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/79°F • Wind speed: 14.9mph • Waves: 2.6ft (2ft maximum) every 4.9 secondsToday's sea temperature in Cayey
Sea temperature in Ceiba : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/77°F • Wind speed: 14.3mph • Waves: 1.3ft (2.3ft maximum) every 5.3 secondsToday's sea temperature in Ceiba
Sea temperature in Dorado : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/77°F • Wind speed: 11.8mph • Waves: 5.6ft (1.6ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Dorado
Sea temperature in Fajardo : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 77°F/77°F • Wind speed: 17.4mph • Waves: 5.9ft (3.3ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in Fajardo
Sea temperature in Florida : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/77°F • Wind speed: 11.8mph • Waves: 5.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in Florida
Sea temperature in Guanica : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/81°F • Wind speed: 5mph • Waves: 1.6ft (2.6ft maximum) every 5.3 secondsToday's sea temperature in Guanica
Sea temperature in Hatillo : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/77°F • Wind speed: 11.8mph • Waves: 5.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in Hatillo
Sea temperature in Hormigueros : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 74°F/79°F • Wind speed: 16.8mph • Waves: 3.3ft (1.6ft maximum) every 12.4 secondsToday's sea temperature in Hormigueros
Sea temperature in Humacao : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/77°F • Wind speed: 14.3mph • Waves: 1.3ft (2.3ft maximum) every 5.3 secondsToday's sea temperature in Humacao
Sea temperature in Isabela : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/79°F • Wind speed: 17.4mph • Waves: 4.9ft (3.3ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in Isabela
Sea temperature in Luquillo : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 77°F/77°F • Wind speed: 17.4mph • Waves: 5.9ft (3.3ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in Luquillo
Sea temperature in Maunabo : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/79°F • Wind speed: 19.9mph • Waves: 2.6ft (2.6ft maximum) every 8.1 secondsToday's sea temperature in Maunabo
Sea temperature in Punta Santiago : 81°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/77°F • Wind speed: 16.8mph • Waves: 1.6ft (2.3ft maximum) every 5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Punta Santiago
Sea temperature in Quebradillas : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 74°F/79°F • Wind speed: 18.6mph • Waves: 5.6ft (3.3ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Quebradillas
Sea temperature in Rincon : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/79°F • Wind speed: 17.4mph • Waves: 4.9ft (3.3ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in Rincon
Sea temperature in Salinas : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/79°F • Wind speed: 14.3mph • Waves: 2.6ft (2.3ft maximum) every 8.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Salinas
Sea temperature in San German : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/81°F • Wind speed: 14.3mph • Waves: 2.3ft (2.3ft maximum) every 10 secondsToday's sea temperature in San German
Sea temperature in San Sebastian : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/79°F • Wind speed: 17.4mph • Waves: 4.9ft (3.3ft maximum) every 12.7 secondsToday's sea temperature in San Sebastian
Sea temperature in Santa Isabel : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/81°F • Wind speed: 10.6mph • Waves: 1.6ft (2.3ft maximum) every 5.4 secondsToday's sea temperature in Santa Isabel
Sea temperature in Yauco : 83°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 76°F/81°F • Wind speed: 10.6mph • Waves: 1.6ft (1.6ft maximum) every 6.3 secondsToday's sea temperature in Yauco
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Water temperature in Puerto Rico by month
Below, find the average temperature variation of the sea in Puerto Rico for the cities of: San Juan, Mayagüez, Arecibo, Bayamón and Culebra.
The information provided on this page regarding the sea temperature in Puerto Rico is for informational purposes only. It is the surface temperature of the sea measured by satellite, based on data available at the time of consultation. These data may vary depending on several factors such as local weather conditions, tides, and other variables. We therefore recommend consulting additional local sources for updated information before making any decisions based on this data.