Sea temperature in Saint-Barthelemy sea temperature in real time, 7-day forecast and historical data

Do you want to go to the beach to swim in Saint-Barthelemy today? Check if the sea temperature is pleasant with our data, updated daily, in real time, and our weather forecast for the next few days, by city in Saint-Barthelemy.

Sea temperature in Saint-Barthelemy today

On the map below, find the water temperature measured today for different cities in Saint-Barthelemy.

Water temperature in Saint-Barthelemy by city

Below, find the current sea temperature and weather conditions in several coastal cities in Saint-Barthelemy.

  • Météo actuelle

    Sea temperature in Gustavia: 77°F

    Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 79°F/81°F • Wind speed: 6.8mph • Waves: 3ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.3 seconds

    Today's sea temperature in Gustavia

  • Météo actuelle

    Sea temperature in Chevreau Island: 77°F

    Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 79°F/81°F • Wind speed: 6.8mph • Waves: 3ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.3 seconds

    Today's sea temperature in Chevreau Island

  • Météo actuelle

    Sea temperature in Colombier (Saint-Barth): 77°F

    Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 79°F/81°F • Wind speed: 6.8mph • Waves: 3ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.3 seconds

    Today's sea temperature in Colombier (Saint-Barth)

  • Météo actuelle

    Sea temperature in Fourchue Island: 77°F

    Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 79°F/81°F • Wind speed: 6.2mph • Waves: 1ft (1ft maximum) every 8 seconds

    Today's sea temperature in Fourchue Island

  • Météo actuelle

    Sea temperature in Frégate Island: 77°F

    Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 79°F/81°F • Wind speed: 6.8mph • Waves: 3ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.3 seconds

    Today's sea temperature in Frégate Island

Display all cities

Water temperature in Saint-Barthelemy by month

Below, find the average temperature variation of the sea in Saint-Barthelemy for the cities of: Gustavia, Chevreau Island, Colombier (Saint-Barth), Fourchue Island and Frégate Island.

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