Sea temperature in Madeira today
On the map below, find the water temperature measured today for different cities in Madeira.
Water temperature in Madeira by city
Below, find the current sea temperature and weather conditions in several coastal cities in Madeira.
Sea temperature in Funchal : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/76°F • Wind speed: 10.6mph • Waves: 5.6ft (2.3ft maximum) every 11 secondsToday's sea temperature in Funchal
Sea temperature in the Ilha do Porto Santo : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 74°F/76°F • Wind speed: 8.7mph • Waves: 9.8ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.1 secondsToday's sea temperature in the Ilha do Porto Santo
Sea temperature in Achadas da Cruz : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Achadas da Cruz
Sea temperature in Arco de São Jorge : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/76°F • Wind speed: 10.6mph • Waves: 5.6ft (2.3ft maximum) every 11 secondsToday's sea temperature in Arco de São Jorge
Sea temperature in Cabo Girão : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/76°F • Wind speed: 10.6mph • Waves: 5.6ft (2.3ft maximum) every 11 secondsToday's sea temperature in Cabo Girão
Sea temperature in Calheta : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Calheta
Sea temperature in Caniçal : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/76°F • Wind speed: 11.2mph • Waves: 7.5ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Caniçal
Sea temperature in Gaula : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/76°F • Wind speed: 11.2mph • Waves: 7.5ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Gaula
Sea temperature in Ilhas Selvagens : 70°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 74°F/74°F • Wind speed: 6.2mph • Waves: 8.2ft (0.3ft maximum) every 12.3 secondsToday's sea temperature in Ilhas Selvagens
Sea temperature in Jardim do Mar : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Jardim do Mar
Sea temperature in Madalena do Mar : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Madalena do Mar
Sea temperature in Ponta de São Lourenço : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/76°F • Wind speed: 11.2mph • Waves: 7.5ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Ponta de São Lourenço
Sea temperature in Ponta Delgada : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Ponta Delgada
Sea temperature in Ponta do Pargo : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Ponta do Pargo
Sea temperature in Porto da Cruz : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/76°F • Wind speed: 11.2mph • Waves: 7.5ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Porto da Cruz
Sea temperature in Porto Moniz : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Porto Moniz
Sea temperature in Praia de Machico : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/76°F • Wind speed: 11.2mph • Waves: 7.5ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Praia de Machico
Sea temperature in Praia Formosa : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/76°F • Wind speed: 10.6mph • Waves: 5.6ft (2.3ft maximum) every 11 secondsToday's sea temperature in Praia Formosa
Sea temperature in Santa Cruz (Madeira) : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/76°F • Wind speed: 11.2mph • Waves: 7.5ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Santa Cruz (Madeira)
Sea temperature in Santana (Madeira) : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/76°F • Wind speed: 11.2mph • Waves: 7.5ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Santana (Madeira)
Sea temperature in São Vicente : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in São Vicente
Sea temperature in Seixal : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Seixal
Sea temperature in Vila Baleira : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 74°F/76°F • Wind speed: 8.7mph • Waves: 9.8ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.1 secondsToday's sea temperature in Vila Baleira
Sea temperature in Arco da Calheta : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Arco da Calheta
Sea temperature in Câmara de Lobos : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/76°F • Wind speed: 10.6mph • Waves: 5.6ft (2.3ft maximum) every 11 secondsToday's sea temperature in Câmara de Lobos
Sea temperature in Canico : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/76°F • Wind speed: 11.2mph • Waves: 7.5ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Canico
Sea temperature in Machico : 72°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 72°F/76°F • Wind speed: 11.2mph • Waves: 7.5ft (2.3ft maximum) every 12.5 secondsToday's sea temperature in Machico
Sea temperature in Ponta do Sol : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/74°F • Wind speed: 8.1mph • Waves: 9.2ft (2.6ft maximum) every 12.2 secondsToday's sea temperature in Ponta do Sol
Sea temperature in Ribeira Brava : 76°F Today's weather conditions: Outside temperature min/max: 68°F/76°F • Wind speed: 10.6mph • Waves: 5.6ft (2.3ft maximum) every 11 secondsToday's sea temperature in Ribeira Brava
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Water temperature in Madeira by month
Below, find the average temperature variation of the sea in Madeira for the cities of: Funchal, Ilha do Porto Santo, Achadas da Cruz, Arco de São Jorge and Cabo Girão.
The information provided on this page regarding the sea temperature in Madeira is for informational purposes only. It is the surface temperature of the sea measured by satellite, based on data available at the time of consultation. These data may vary depending on several factors such as local weather conditions, tides, and other variables. We therefore recommend consulting additional local sources for updated information before making any decisions based on this data.