Swim in Moliets-et-Maa in may 2024What is the temperature of the sea in in may?

Average sea temperature in Moliets-et-Maa in may 2024.

In may, according to seasonal norms, the sea temperature in Moliets-et-Maa is:

Minimum: 58°F

Average: 62°F

Maximum: 66°F

Other useful seasonal weather averages in may:

  • Outside temperature: 56°F to 69°F
  • Most common weather: "Moderate rain at times"
  • The wind blows at 8.1mph
  • It rains a total of 5.2in, over 8 day(s).

Should we swim in Moliets-et-Maa in may?

No... The water temperature in Moliets-et-Maa in may is cold

Swimming in Moliets-et-Maa in may is possible... with a wetsuit! Indeed, the water is cold at this time of year with an average sea temperature of 62°F (minimum: 58°F - maximum: 66°F).

Note also that in may, the climate is good with an average outside temperature of 63°F, 5.2in of precipitation (over 8 days) and 86.71 % humidity.

Water and normal seasonal temperatures in Moliets-et-Maa in may

Average sea temperature 62°F
Minimum sea temperature 58°F
Maximum sea temperature 66°F
Average outside temperature 63°F
Maximum outside temperature 70°F
Minimum outside temperature 56°F
Wind speed 8.7mph
Wind temperature 56°F
Precipitation 5.2in
Number of days of rain 8 jour(s)
Humidity 87%
Visibility in kilometers 8.99km
Cloud cover 41%
Our opinion cold swimming

Swim elsewhere in the Landes in may

City Average T° Max. T° Our opinion
Biscarrosse in may61°F66°Fcold swimming
Capbreton in may62°F66°Fcold swimming
Hossegor in may62°F66°Fcold swimming
Messanges in may62°F66°Fcold swimming
Mimizan in may61°F66°Fcold swimming
Saint-Julien-en-Born in may62°F66°Fcold swimming
Seignosse in may62°F66°Fcold swimming
Labenne in may62°F66°Fcold swimming
Lit-et-Mixe in may62°F66°Fcold swimming
Sainte-Eulalie-en-Born in may61°F65°Fcold swimming

Swim in the Landes in may: sea temperature by city

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